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A WOMAN in northwestern China recently made headlines after delivering twins from two separate uteruses, a remarkable occurrence attributed to her rare medical condition.

Identified only by her surname, Li, the mother welcomed a boy and a girl via cesarean section at Xi’an People’s Hospital in Shaanxi province.

Health officials termed this event a “one in a million” phenomenon.

The hospital shared on the Chinese social media platform Weibo that it is exceedingly rare for twins to be naturally conceived in two distinct uterine cavities, and even more unusual for them to be carried to full term.

Li was born with a condition known as uterine didelphys, which affects approximately 1 in 2,000 women and results in two cervixes and two uteruses.

Her incredible journey has captured the attention of social media users across China, garnering over 50 million views as people expressed their amazement.

Comments ranged from “That’s a miracle!” to “How lucky she is!” while some users voiced concern for her well-being, noting the challenges she faced.

Li’s experience is particularly poignant, as she had previously suffered a miscarriage.

However, in January, she discovered during an early ultrasound that she was pregnant again—with twins, each developing in one of her uteruses.

Thanks to “close and strict” medical supervision, Li successfully gave birth to a son weighing 7 pounds, 19 ounces, and a daughter weighing 5 pounds, 5 ounces, marking a joyful conclusion to her unique story.(CMM)

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