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FORMER presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo has dismissed retired police colonel Royina Garma's recent allegations regarding a so-called "Davao model" that offered cash rewards in the bloody drug campaign of the Duterte administration.

In a Facebook post, Panelo described Garma's claims as “pure imagination or fertile speculation.”

Garma has told a quad committee hearing that she was approached to replicate alleged operations from Davao during the Duterte administration.

However, Panelo challenged the validity of her assertions, pointing out that a purported meeting between Garma and former President Rodrigo Duterte occurred in May 2016, months before Duterte officially took office in July.

He questioned how Garma could have insight into a model she claims she was not part of, stating, “How could she have known of its operation, assuming it did exist?”

Panelo further critiqued Garma’s understanding of the operations, noting her admission of declining involvement in any replication of the Davao model.

He implied that this distance from the alleged operations casts doubt on the reliability of her information, which he described as based on “hearsay” and possibly influenced by external pressures.

He suggested that Garma may have been coerced into making her allegations under threat of legal repercussions.

Expanding on the complexities of the drug war, Panelo emphasized the necessity of a robust legal strategy and government funding to combat drug trafficking effectively.

He countered Garma’s claims that Duterte incentivized the killing of drug offenders, arguing instead that the former president's declarations were a commitment to pursue justice and eradicate the drug problem in the Philippines.

Duterte's aggressive stance on illegal drugs was a cornerstone of his 2016 presidential campaign, which resonated with voters seeking security and stability.

Panelo asserted that Duterte remained steadfast in this commitment throughout his term, leading to significant strides in addressing crime and corruption.

In closing, Panelo suggested that political adversaries of Duterte continue to use Garma's allegations as a tool to undermine his legacy.

He added that the allegations against Duterte are part of a broader strategy to discredit the previous administration’s achievements.(CMM)

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