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PUREXFIT Cebu edged out the Steadfast Builders, 87-85, and finally broke into the win column in the Elite Division of Mandaue's Pride Basketball Association (MPBA) Commissioner's Cup Season 3 over the weekend at the Cebu Port Authority (CPA) Gym.

Snapping a three-game slide, Purexfit had a balanced attack with Keanu Ray Limana leading four teammates in double figures with 22 points to go with six rebounds, four assists, five steals, and one block.

Rhadie Azarcon collected 19 markers, two boards, three dimes, and two steals, while Dennise Mark de la Cerna added 14 points, three rebounds, and nine assists for Purexfit, which squandered a 61-51 third-quater lead but recovered in time to salvage the win.

Anthony Lucena and Travis Crisologo contributed 12 markers each for Purexfit.

Miguel Gastador piled up 26 points, seven rebounds, six assists and as many steals while RJ Dinolan tossed in 23 points and 15 rebounds but Steadfast tasted its third defeat in five outings.

In the Premier Division, Mark Monte fired 24 points, grabbed 13 rebounds as Welec escaped snatched its fourth win in seven games via a 75-73 escping of past Home Sourced.

Ronald Ababa came up with 16 points and seven rebounds, while Carlo Bacalso added 12 points, three rebounds, and four assists for Welec.

James Villafuerte scattered a whopping 41 points but Home Sourced still ended up succumbing to its fourth debacle in seven games.(CCM)

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