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ROCK and roll legend Jon Bon Jovi donned the hero’s cape and helped stop a woman from jumping off John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge in Nashville this week.

Bon Jovi was showered with praises for his heroic act as his timely intervention saved the woman’s life.

The distraught woman wearing a blue shirt was standing off the ledge of the said bridge when Bon Jovi and his companion saw and approached her.

A video courtesy of Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) showed that the songwriter talked to the woman for at least a minute and then lifted her to safety. He then embraced the woman and walked with her at the end of the bridge.

The video was posted on Youtube but has been removed due to violations of community guidelines. However, the Nashville police department reposted it on Facebook and thanked the rock star for his kind gesture.

"He and his team helped persuade a woman to come off the ledge of the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge, over the Cumberland River, to safety" the MNPD captioned the video posted through its Facebook page.

The singer-songwriter was filming a music video "The People’s House” nearby when the incident happened.

"It takes all of us to help keep each other safe," MNPD Chief John Drake said.

According to USA Today, Bon Jovi refused to make a comment on the incident in respect to the woman's privacy who was said to be experiencing a life crisis.

The pedestrian bridge was named after John Seigenthaler, a Tennessean editor who helped and prevented a man from jumping off the bridge in the 1950's.

John Francis Bongiovi Jr. professionally known as Jon Bon Jovi is the frontman of the rock band Bon Jovi who popularized rock songs like Livin' on a Prayer, It's My Life, Always, Blaze of Glory and You Give Love a Bad Name, among others.

The People's House which he had recently had shoot for a music video is part of their latest Album "Forever".(LAO)

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